What even is ‘wellness’ anyway?

I love the word ‘wellness’.

Why you ask?

If you look up ‘wellness’ on the internet, it is defined as “the state of being in good health”. I agree with the definition, however I see wellness as more than just that. I like the first part of the definition….it’s a state of BEING. And that state of being could be different for every person. Each person might have a different idea of wellness.

I see wellness as working towards a life full of enjoyment and good health. But what does good health actually mean?

I see it as a culmination of 3 things- physical health, mental health and spiritual health.

I think that working towards a healthy, balanced relationship to all of these aspects is what wellness really is. It’s finding peace and stability in your life using these tools.

I like to think that they are all intertwined in one way or another. Moving your body can have immense effects on your mental wellness. Working on your mental wellness can deeply strengthen your spiritual wellness. They all go hand in hand. Wellness is such a beautiful concept -which is why I have decided to create my own personal brand with that word associated with it .

It can mean different things to different people-but overall it’s all about bettering oneself…one way or another.

Striving towards good health. A place that works towards good quality of life for the rest of your life.

What does wellness mean to YOU?


That post workout feelin’.


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